Thursday 16 June 2011

Poor Katie Gallagher

So I see our Chief Minister recently stepped down, probably a well timed political move for the party in this Ranters opinion. I think John Stanhope would have struggled for re-election this term, based solely on the debacle that is and has been the Glenloch Interchange and GD Extension.

We will, of course see significant benefit of this piece of infrastructure over the years, however why the entire dual carriage was not completed through the initial development has left me bewildered. As I understand, the funding for the development had been exhausted in one budget, yet had this been continued, I am sure this project would have been well and truly completed by now. Stopping after one lane, to then almost immediately, commence work on the duplication, yep, very puzzling. Three years of frustration for the North/South journey is far too long for their not to be repercussions come election time.

Having pissed off the north/south commuters (or is it just me??), they have just decided to impact almost everyone at the same time. Road works leaving Canberra on the Barton Highway, extended periods of development around Kings Avenue bridge and closing off part of Hindmarsh at the exit to Melrose Drive has left the majority of Canberrans affected for the early morning commute. Many of the roadwork areas involve development to enable more traffic to civic, yet there is now less parking in the city. Poor Katie, she is pushing shit up hill now, thrown into the deep end, lets see what she is made of between now and the next election.


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